


























Thematic Curriculum Concept

Identify the grade level and socio-economic situation of your students.

What is the theme or issue that will be central to the reading, writing, and research of your students? How does this issue connect to the lives of your students and/or important issues in the world?

What are your goals for student learning?

What critical questions will students be able to explore?

What literary works, film, non-fiction materials, images, websites, speakers, etc. might you include? How can students examine different perspectives on the topic?

What writing, research, and projects might students engage in?

How does the unit lead to students taking action to address the issue in their school, their community, or more broadly? Will they do any publishing on the Internet or use social media?

How long will the unit take?  (Aim for at least six weeks.)

How will the unit develop?  What will the unit start with?  How will it progress?  How will you wrap up the unit?

Drawing on our class reading and discussion about meaningful class activities, describe an activity that can be part of your thematic unit.

Write a paragraph of self-evalution and propose a grade.

The assignment should be at least 6 pages long.



Created by: allen.webb@wmich.edu
Revised Date: 8/24