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The goal of this assignment is to create a teaching plan for an individual work. Assume that you have complete freedom to select goals, reading, create assignments, and assign grades.

This teaching plan should be designed around a specific literary work (novel, play, several short stories, collection of poems, memoir, several essays, film, photo collection, or other genre).

Your teaching plan should foster student knowledge about any aspect you choose of the Mexican/American border and should cover a period of 2-3 weeks.

Your plan needs to include:

1) A description of the work you will teach. Some information about the grade level, background, and academic level of your students.

2) A list of goals for what you want your students to learn.

3) A description of additional texts that will be included along with the primary text. (For example, you have chosen a novel, but to further explore that novel you will also include a news article, an essay, specific websites, poem, film, etc.)

4) A description of how you will foster student inquiry. This could include how you will help them formulate questions, engage in research, work collaboratively, share ideas with each other, share ideas with people outside the class, etc.

5) A description of how you will foster multiple interpretations and perspectives.

6) An overview or "syllabus" of the sequence of reading, assignments, lessons, and activities that will comprise your teaching plan.

7) A description of strategies you will use to support students reading texts that are difficult for them. 

8) Sample discussion questions you would use for several class meetings.

9) An in-depth description of an idea for a specific lesson or activity.

10) A description of a final paper or project or cumulative activity that students will write/engage in and an explanation of how this activity addresses and helps you assess student understanding of the learning goals you established.

11) A description of how you will determine students’ final grades for the unit. You can include some dimension of guided or supported self-assessment.

12) A description of you will gather feedback from your students about the success of the unit.

The plan should be at least 8 pages long.

Prepare to give a 5-minute Google Slide presentation about your teaching plan to the class. Practice to be sure you stay within the time limit.

Created by: allen.webb@wmich.edu
Date: 8/22