
























Critical Film Viewing

When was the film made, by whom, and for what purpose?

Who is represented in the film and how are they represented?

How is the story told? From whose perspective? What points of view are downplayed or not included?

How are cinemagraphic techniques used to accentuate it's message? Consider:

  • Emotional impact of soundtrack
  • Camera distance, framing, lighting, and focus (full shots, medium shots, closeups, zooms, blurry, uses of light and dark)
  • Camera angles (tilted, wide angle, telephoto, point of view shots, low/high angled)
  • Establishing shots (the initial shot in a scene)

Additional Resources:

Yale Film Analysis Website provides terms and strategies for cinematic strategies.

Manfred Jahn's Guide to Film Analysis another site emphasizing cinematic strategies.

Created by: allen.webb@wmich.edu
Revised Date: 9/07