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in the Secondary Education Curriculum

Welcome to the WMU English major in the secondary education curriculum. Our program is one of the largest in the United States, and, we like to think, one of the finest. The program combines a major in English, course work in the College of Education, specific secondary English methods courses (English 4800, Teaching Literature in the Secondary Schools; English 4790 Teaching Writing in the Secondary Schools, and English 5740 Grammar and the Teaching of Grammar), and pre-internships and internships in the public schools. Our graduates have are well-prepared and successful on the job market. Our English education program is closely connected to teachers in the field. We offer MA and Ph.D. degrees to practicing English teachers and we sponsor an outstanding teacher institute, the Third Coast Writing Project.

Students in this program should become student members of the National Council of the Teachers of English and subscribe to the excellent publication English Journal. NCTE has special student rates, and hosts conferences around the country to which English education students are welcome. You can learn more about NCTE and become a member at their web site: www.ncte.org.

Dr. Allen 0Webb has created a web site for WMU English majors in the secondary education curriculum that has lots of useful information, resources, course syllabi, and advice for aspiring teachers: www.allenwebb.net.

State-of-the-art English teaching is increasingly integrated with the internet and information technology. The WMU secondary English education program has a wireless, laptop classroom where these new approaches to teaching are explored. All students in our program are expected to develop interactive teaching portfolio websites (samples).

Degree requirements and further information about the program are available at the WMU English Department web site: www.wmich.edu/english.

Created by: allen.webb@wmich.edu
Revised Date: 2/08