Parent/Guardian Page
for Teacher Websites
Their are many things you might want to put on a page for parents:
An invitation to be in contact with you and how to reach you;
An expression of openess to their ideas for the success of their student;
An invitation to be involved with the course, read along, visit the class;
Information about you and aspects of your philosophy relevant to parents;
Your ideas about homework and how parents can support student homework;
An explanation that mature and controversial reading and ideas will be assigned and discussed in your class, you welcome differences of opinion and belief, and alternative assignents are possible on request;
Information about school PTA or parent organizations;
And other ideas you think appropriate - double check spelling!
You might also want to have a list of websites helpful to parents. The following sites are some of the possibilities. Feel free to include
these on your own teaching web site.
Find others!
The national Parent-Teacher Organization fosters parent involvement in education.
Parent Success features parenting
tips and strategies.
Parenting Adolescents has free expert advice on parenting teenagers.
Kid's Health is a site devoted to
children's health information.
Safekids helps parents
address issues of safety on the internet.
Making Lemonade is a web site
that is a resource for single parents.
Fathers' World is
web site resource for fathers.
Parents Helping Parents is a site for parents
of special needs children.
Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays has a lot of information for parents about young people questioning their
sexual orientation.
Divorce Survival Guide is
a site to help parents through divorce.
College Savings is a site for
helping parents plan for college expenses.