
































"Ted Talk" Final Exam

Record, develop, and present/perform an outstanding 5 min Ignite-styleTed-talk” addressed to teachers and or students of future food and literature courses on a topic of your choosing related to course themes, activities, topics, and/or reading.

 Assume your audience will be secondary or college teachers and/or students.

Your talk should include:

  • A carefully written and engaging script or careful series of points on a focused topic that you write and then perform aloud and carefully record.  This recording serves as a sound track.
  • Relevant, interesting, and attractive “slides,” images, charts, screen shots that intersperse with your talking.
Your talk needs to be uploaded onto YouTube, and you need to provide the professor with the YouTube URL 24 hours before final exam.

Your Ted talk will be shown at hour for class final exam.

Some resources:

How to make your own (Apple) I-Movie.

How to use (Windows) Movie Maker.

WMU Student Technology Center Mon-Fri 8:00 am to 10:00 pm

English Education Lab


Created by: allen.webb@wmich.edu
Revised Date: 4/14