Collaboration Project Our study of Africa will disclose many challenges and issues in common with challenges in the United States. The Collaboartion Project is undertaken to address, to further explore these challenges and to develop collaboration to make a difference. In support of WMU's Climate Emergency Month (March 2023) students will identify a climate-related challenge or issue touching both Africa and the United States and in collaboration with exisiting organizations in both Africa and American develop campus/community events/activities for Climate Emergency Month. Throughout the semester students will research, design and carry out one or more projects. Several class sessions will be specifically devoted to facilitating collaboration projects, though most work will take place outside of class. The collaboration projects should have the following features:
All students are expected to demonstrate the finest skills of collaboration and team work. At the hour of the Final Exam, each student will submit a three-page analysis of their work and propose a final grade for the project, subject to professor modification. Spring 2022 Collaboration Projects Black Lives Matter/Racism , presentation
Previous African Literature classes have undertaken somewhat similiar Solution Projects. Some examples of these projects are below: The Collaboration Project is an example of Service Learning.
Created by: allen.webb@wmich.edu