More Cli-Fi Short Stories  

Short stories are a fanatistic vehicle for thinking about climate futures. They add personal, social, cultural, and political sophistication to scientific examination of impacts of global heating.

Additional Cli-Fi Short Stories online:

The University of Arizona has an Imagination and Climate Futurs Project that has had three climate fiction short stories and produced three excellent, free, and online volumes of climate fiction that they call Everything Change.

Grist Magazine has a beautiful collection of climate short stories in the 2024 Collection Imagine 2020.

The Writing Atlas has a good list of online climate change short stories. 

Writers HQ recommends 7 online climate change stories. 

10th graders at the School of Environmental Leadership have published their short stories online.

And going beyond online short stories, there are many fine print cli-fi short story authors and collection, see Morningside Center Some lists of longer climate fiction: the NY Public Library, Outside Magazine, and Goodreads.

For teaching cli-fi literature, a valuable resources is ClimateLit.org.

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