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African Literature

This course seeks to use African literature, autobiography, memoir, film, library and on-line sources to begin to understand the complexity of contemporary Africa, the challenges facing the continent, and the many common issues Africans and Americans confront. Those common issues include the climate crisis, authoritarianim, economic inequality, racism/Black Lives Matter, government corruption and challenges to democracy, educational opportunity, religious extremism, women's rights, refugees, and more. A cornerstone of this course is the idea that we can make a difference through collaboration and mutual respect.

Africa is young and growing quickly; half of the population of Africa is under 20 years old. More than 70% of the world's population growth in this century will take place in Africa. Much of our reading will be about young people, many college age, their life experiences and how they are addressing issues and creating new possibilities.

Learning about Africa often reflects back to a learning about the United States and the rest of the world. We need to challenge the stereotypes that media and popular culture present to us about Africa - for example:


And we need to learn that there is more than a single story:


As the students in this class immerse themselves in learning about Africa, they will participate in developing collaboration and making a difference in Africa and America through a Collaboration Project.

Investigations of African literature, film, music, daily life, history, religion, news, politics, etc. will help students learn more about the the rich and diverse cultures of contemporary Africa.

Clearly, in this class students need to be informed about the world, especially Africa. Students are expected to read regularly the New York Times and other news sources, including African news sources. WMU provides a free NYT subscription. The Guardian Africa and the BBC. Africa are free. African news sources such as All Africa.com, Africa News, African News Links, African News Websites.

This course will follow WMU procedures regarding  academic honesty. Controversy and difference of opinion are vital to our understanding and welcomed.

Since the class is conducted as a discussion-based seminar, attendance and preparation are essential. Every student is expected to come to class every day having finished the reading and ready to discuss it. Missing any classes will affect your learning! Missing three classes will lower your final grade and missing five or more classes may lead to failing the course. Carefully study the discussion, preparation, participation, attendance, grading, and learning expectations for this class.

Dr. Webb's office is 723 Sprau Tower, 387-2605, and his office hours are after class, and by appointment and email at allen.webb@wmich.edu.


Wangari Maathai, Unbowed
Sembene Ousmane, Xala
Trevor Noah, Born A Crime
Helon Habila, Oil on Water
Nnedi Okorafor, Lagoon
Laila Lalami, Hope and Other Dangerous Pursuits
(Though the links above go to Amazon, these book have also been ordered for the WMU Student bookstore, and can be found at independent bookstores.)

Major Assignments

Class Participation 17%
Investigations 17%
Activism Analysis Paper 17%
I-Search Paper 17%
Final Exam 17%
Collaboration Project 17%

Electronic Syllabus

Jan 7: Tuesday  Introductions

1. Class phone message system?

Jan 9: Thursday Google Earth, Africa Background

1. Study the syllabus and bring questions to class.

2. Spend (at least) an hour on Google Earth learning everything you can about Africa.

3. Bring a list of at least 20 things you learn about Africa from Google Earth.

4. Find 2 news articles about Africa you find interesting from the news sources listed above, and write a paragraph about what you learned from each one.

5. Study the map of Africa and try to learn the location of African countries.

Jan 14: Tuesday Postcolonial Transition

1. Read: Unbowed Chapters 1-6.

2. Due: 1st Investigation DUE.

Jan 16: Thursday Postcolonial Transition Con't

1. Read: Unbowed Chap 7-10.

Jan 20: Monday Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

Attend MLK Events!

Jan 21: Tuesday Postcolonial Transition Con't

1. Read: Finish Unbowed.

2. Write: 3 pages of Activist Analysis Paper.

Jan 23: Thursday Collaboration Project

1. Write a list of at least 3 possible collaboration ideas, and engage in online research about your favorite idea to 1) learn more about that issue in Africa; 2) to find organizations in America and Africa that address the issue.

Jan 28: Tuesday Neocolonialism

1. Read: Xala to page 68.

2. Activist Analysis Paper DUE.

Jan 30: Thursday

1. Read: Finish Xala.

Jan 31: Friday: Second Investigation Due.

Feb 4: Tuesday Apartheid

1. Read: Born a Crime Chapters 1-10.

Feb 6: Thursday Apartheid

1. Read: Born a Crime Chapters 11-14.

2. Investigation DUE

Feb 11: Tuesday Apartheid

1. Read: Finish Born a Crime.

Feb 13: Thursday Collaboration Project Planning Day

1. Investigation DUE

Feb 18: Tuesday An African Voice on Climate Crisis

1. Read: A Bigger Picture Introduction and Chapters 1-4.

Feb 20: Thursday An African Voice on Climate Crisis

1. Read: A Bigger Picture Chapters 5-6.

Feb 25: Tuesday An African Voice on Climate Crisis

1. Read: A Bigger Picture Chapters 7-10, Acknowledgements & Appendices 1 & 2.

Feb 27 Thursday Collaboration Project Planning Day

1. Investigation DUE

Mar 3-7 Spring Break

Mar 11: Tuesday Collaboration Project Planning Day

1. Investigation DUE

Mar 13: Thursday Oil and the Niger Delta

1) Read: Niger Delta Background

2) View Sweet Crude promotion reel:


3) Read: Oil on Water, Chapter 1 

Mar 18: Tuesday Environmental Crisis

1. Read: Oil on Water Chapters 2-10.

2. Write: 4 Discussion Questions.

Mar 20: Thursday Environmental Crisis

1. Read: Oil on Water Chapters 11-14.

2. Write: 4 Discussion Questions.

Mar 25: Tuesday Environmental Crisis

1. Read: Finish Oil on Water.

2. Write: 4 Discussion Questions.

Mar 27: Thursday Work Session on I-Search Paper

1. Do online research on 3 possible topics for your I-Search Paper.

Apr 1: Tuesday  African Futurism 

1. Read: Lagoon Act I, Prologue, Chapters 1-20

2. Investigation DUE

Apr 3: Thursday Collaboration Project Planning Day

Apr 8: Tuesday African Futurism

1. Read: Lagoon Chapter 21-29

Apr 10: Thursday African Futurism

1. Read: Lagoon Chapter 30-39

2. Bring 2 Possible Final Exam questions

Apr 15: Tuesday

1. Read: Finish Lagoon

Apr 17: Thursday Preparation for Final Exam and Presentation of I-Search Papers

I-Search Paper and short Google Slide Summary DUE, include 4 slides: 1. Source of idea/references to reading; 2. How you researched; 3. What you learned; and, 4. What else you would like to learn on this topic.

Apr 21-24: Finals Week

Apr 21: Monday 2:45-4:45 Final Exam

Bring 2-3 page summary of your contribution to Collaboration Project and propose a grade.